The event will be moderated by Ms Katja Legisa, Entrepreneurship Director at the Digital Leadership Institute 9:30h – 10:00h Registration 10:00h – 10:15h Introduction & Welcome- Mr Stefano Mallia, President of the Employers’ Group of the European Economic and Social Committee
- Mr Pablo Morales, Coordinator of the Athena project, Chamber of Commerce of Seville
- Analysis of the needs of migrant women towards entrepreneurship across Europe and good practices identified – Presented by Ms Paola Andrisani, Project officer at Nova Onlus
- Capacity building and preparation of new services of support for migrant women entrepreneurs – Presented by Ms Daiva Jonuskiene, Project Manager at Siauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts
- Lessons learned from the implementation of business services for migrant women – Presented by Ms Anna Borowa, Project officer, IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH
- Policy recommendations & sustainability – Presented by Ms Cheryl Novak, Research Associate and Project Officer at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy
- Ms Maria-Helena De Felipe, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee and Spokesperson of the SMEs category
- Ms Virginia Paloma, Director of the Center of Community Research and Action at the University of Seville
- Ms Birgit Arens, Senior Project Officer at EUROCHAMBRES
- Ms Ursula Hoenich, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission
- Ms Carmela Cotrone, Public Officer at the Regional Administration of Campania
- Ms Anastasia Benekou, Integration Associate, the UN Refugee Agency
- Dr. Sinem Yilmaz – integration Policy Analyst at Migration Policy Group
- Ms Mamen Soria, Entrepreneurship expert at the Chamber of Commerce of Seville
- Ms Loubna Azghoud, Expert in digital economy, gender equality and entrepreneurship strategy
- Ms Siham Zarkan, Project Manager at SheDIDIT
- Ms Tina Marquart, consultant at Jumpp Ihr Sprungbrett in die Selbständigkeit, Frauenbetriebe e. V.
- Ms Rosy Cascella, Camera di Commercio Bari – Progetto Futurae
- Ms Sofiia Shevchuk, Founder of VONA, Consultant, Researcher and Project Manager in Climate, Gender and Security
- Ms Magna Solange Dos Santos , Entrepreneur in the hospitality sector
- Ms Albina Savciuc, Entrepreneur in the sustainable jewellery sector
- Ms Viviana Santana, Entrepreneur in external services to hotels
- Blessing Ayomonsuru, Entrepreneur in trading ethnic food products
- Mr Juan Guerrero Caballero – General Manager and Head of the Department of International R& D Projects at INCOMA
- Ms Ursula Hoenich – Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission
- Ms Carmela Cotrone – Policy Expert
Please note that registration is mandatory for attending the event: https://www.eventbrite.be/e/entrepreneurship-as-a-path-to-socio-economic-inclusion-of-migrant-women-tickets-535756521177. Your personal data will be shared with the European Economic and Social Committee Visitors Office in order to grant you access to the building on the day of the event.
The event is organized with the support of the Employers’ Group of the European Economic and Social Committee . For more info about the project visit www.athenaproject.net and the Facebook and Instagram page.